Our Clerks

Clerk of the Meeting: Bob Henson

Ministry and Counsel (Interim): Andrea Tacoronte

Peace and Social Concerns: Mindy Henson

Trustees: Doug Woodmansee

Stewardship and Finance: Bob Henson and Daniel McCamish

Hospitality: Becky Bowman (p.s.: check out her beautiful handmade jewelry!)

Christian Education: Jessi Harper and Lauren Raizk

Nominating: Andrea Tacoronte


Why clerks, rather than committee chairs?

Committee chairs, generally speaking, are thought of as being “in charge” of a committee. In a Quaker church, we prefer to put Christ in charge. Our committee clerks are given responsibility for listening to the Spirit at work within their committees, waiting for the way in which Christ is leading the group to become evident.

If that sounds like hard work, that’s because it is! Our clerks of committees do not have an easy job. Many times, it would seem easier to simply have one person tell the rest of us what to do. We could put questions about budgets, curricula, and building use to a vote and then go along with whatever the majority thought in that moment. In the short term, it would require less effort.

We’d rather wait, though. We’d rather do the hard work of discernment. We’d rather invest in the long term blessings that accrue when we make a habit of listening, together, for the voice of God within and among us.

If you’d like to know more about how Quakers do business together, check out this description of our polity from Britain Yearly Meeting. The section on clerks begins at 3.12.