Please stop by! We will happily welcome you.

Come and Worship

Come and meet with the God who loves you.

Come and meet with the God who created you, who cares for you, who has a plan for your life.

Come and worship God in song. Perhaps you’ll join one of our choirs. Perhaps your children will be sharing their musical gifts during the service. Perhaps you’ll just sit back and listen to the organ play. Come and let music – the language of the heart – help you connect with the Redeemer of the world.

Come and worship God in prayer. Each Sunday, we take time to share joys and concerns. We offer thanks for the unexpected blessings of the week. We ask God to be powerfully present with family and friends who are sick. We seek comfort for those who grieve. We pray for peace in our families, in our communities, and in our world. Come pray with us.

Come and worship God in silence. If you come to visit us, don’t be surprised when everything gets quiet! We take time every week to listen, together, for what the Spirit is saying to us. Stopping everything else to simply wait on God can be difficult – we say that it’s simple, not that it’s easy! – but it’s a spiritual practice that works. Come sit with us as we seek the face of God.

God wants to meet with you. Come and worship with Friends!

Come and Fellowship

“God is everywhere, right? Why do I have to go to church every Sunday?”

We could just tell you that you have to go to church because the Bible says so. The author of the Book of Hebrews, in chapter 10, advises the ancient church not to neglect gathering together- advice that applies to us, too. Gathering for shared worship is simply part of the faithful Christian life.

Why does the author say this, though? Is there a deeper reason?

In that passage from Hebrews, the author contrasts neglecting to gather for worship with one of the purposes of the church. S/he writes, “let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

That’s one of our jobs, when we gather together for church. We’re here to encourage each other, to support each other, to lift one another in prayer, to help one another live lives that are holy. We’re here to spur one another on.

Fellowship matters, to put it simply. Friendship matters. Having a church family matters. You can’t do this life alone, and why should you try?

We would like to be that family for you. Will you come and fellowship with us?

cu curreCome and Learn

Repeat these basic essentials over and over to God’s people. Warn them before God against pious nitpicking, which chips away at the faith. It just wears everyone out. Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won’t be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple.

from Second Timothy, chapter Two

Looking for Sunday School in Wilmington, Ohio? If you’re looking for a peaceful, progressive place for your family to explore faith education, there’s a home for you at Wilmington Friends Meeting. Come and learn with Friends!

Quaker education is not focused on providing you with the “correct” answer, which you can then foist upon the world. Rather, our focus is to equip you – and your children – with the tools and confidence you need to share your own faith story. To that end, Wilmington Friends Meeting offers Christian education opportunities for seekers and believers of all ages.

In Sunday morning worship, we loosely follow the Revised Common Lectionary. The Revised Common Lectionary is a three-year cycle of Bible readings that is used by most mainline protestant churches. Occasionally, we will go off-lectionary to deep dive into specific topics.

The Kindergarten through 6th Grade Sunday School class is taught by Ashley Harper. They are using the Shine Curriculum. The 7th Grade through 12th Grade Sunday School class is currently joining the Adult Sunday School Class, which is taught by a rotation of teachers.

Come and Serve

I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.

-Stephen Grellet, Quaker missionary

Wilmington Friends Meeting, in Christ’s service, seeks to do all the kindness that we can. Here are some of the ways we go about that:


Support for Your Father’s Kitchen

Members of Wilmington Friends Meeting have taken responsibility for staffing Your Father’s Kitchen on the first Saturday of every month. Your Father’s Kitchen is a program of Sugartree Ministries. If you would like to join one of our work teams, let us know!


Local Housing Ministries

Wilmington Friends Meeting founded and continues to play a role in organizations that provide housing for elderly and low income individuals in Wilmington and Blanchester. Quaker Apartments and Prairie View Apartments are among the facilities that are part of this network.


Quaker Breakers

Volunteers help meeting members and others relocate their belongings to a new residence.

Will you come and serve?

Location and Directions

Wilmington Friends Meeting can be found at 66 North Mulberry St, Wilmington, OH 45177. You can reach our office at (937) 382-2349. We worship at 10:30 AM on Sundays.

From the North:

Enter Wilmington southbound on US68 (South Street). Turn right at the corner of South and Locust Streets. The meeting house will be on your left.

From the South:

Enter Wilmington northbound on US68 (South Street). Turn left at the corner of South Street and Locust Street. The meeting house will be on your left.

From the West:

Enter Wilmington eastbound on US22/SR3 (Main Street). Turn left at the corner of Main and Mulberry Streets. The meeting house will be on your right.

From the East:

Enter Wilmington westbound on US22/SR3 (Locust Street). The meeting house is on your left at the corner of Locust and Mulberry Streets.


Parking is available in the City Parking lots on the south side of Locust Street (between the City Building and the meeting house) and at the northeast corner of the intersection of Locust and Mulberry Streets.