Welcome! We’re honored that you are considering having your wedding at Wilmington Friends Meeting. Let us know if you have any questions, so that we can consider how best to help you have a happy and blessed celebration.
Guidelines for Building Use
-If candles are used, care must be taken to ensure that wax does not drip onto the carpet or the woodworking. You can do this by using dripless candles, by encasing the candle, or by using electric candles.
-No edible items may be thrown inside the church building. Rice or birdseed may be thrown outside, if desired.
-If ribbons or flowers are attached to the pews, easily removable material must be used.
-Smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the property.
-We suggest that professional photography, if used, be discreet so as not to distract from the wedding service.
-Users are responsible for removing all trash from the building.
-Any moving of the lectern, choir platforms, or choir railing must be done under the supervision of the pastor or a meeting representative.
-The building must be left in the same condition in which it was found.
-The couple will be given a key to the building within a week of their wedding. They may begin bringing items and preparing the building at that time, so long as they do not disrupt other activities in the meetinghouse. We expect that the key will be returned promptly, and will return the key deposit at that time.
-Any other special requests or needs will be considered in consultation with the pastor or other appropriate representative.
Building Use: Church members and attenders may host their weddings at the meeting for free. The cost to members of other Friends meetings is $200, and to non-Quakers is $300. This covers the use of the building and custodian fees. The check should be made out to “Wilmington Friends Meeting,” with “wedding payment” in the memo line. A $150 deposit is required in order to confirm your wedding date. This is refundable up to 30 days prior to the wedding date. The remaining fees are payable prior to, or at, the rehearsal.
Key Deposit: We will provide you with a key to the building, and ask for a $25 deposit.
Sound System: If you wish to use our sound system, you may either negotiate fees with one of our sound technicians or let an experienced member of your wedding party run the system. The pastor and the clerk of Trustees, however, will retain the right to determine whether or not your technician is taking adequate care of the equipment.
Pastor: If you wish to be married by our pastor, you can arrange an honorarium with her separately. Payment is made directly to the pastor.
Organist: The organist fees will be arranged by the organist. This includes consulting with the couple regarding music choices, preparation for the event, and the event itself.
Other Music: Wilmington Friends Meeting has a vocal choir and a handbell ensemble. If you wish to use either, we ask that you offer an honorarium to the director and cover any costs related to purchasing music. A donation to the meeting’s music program would also be appropriate.
Statement on Equality
Wilmington Monthly Meeting of Friends welcomes people of all orientations and seeks to provide guidance and support to all intimate relationships that reflect the love of Christ. It is our experience that this deep love is not restricted to heterosexual relationships. Therefore Wilmington Monthly Meeting of Friends will treat all requests for marriage equally, without regard to gender. We celebrate all unions which, after careful discernment and clearness, are found to be blessed by God.
You can read more about the Clearness Committees used for discernment by Friends here.