Come and Worship
Please stop by! We will happily welcome you.
Come and meet with the God who loves you.
Come and meet with the God who created you, who cares for you, who has a plan for your life.
Come and worship God in song. Perhaps you’ll join one of our choirs. Perhaps your children will be sharing their musical gifts during the service. Perhaps you’ll just sit back and listen to the organ play. Come and let music – the language of the heart – help you connect with the Redeemer of the world.
Come and worship God in prayer. Each Sunday, we take time to share joys and concerns. We offer thanks for the unexpected blessings of the week. We ask God to be powerfully present with family and friends who are sick. We seek comfort for those who grieve. We pray for peace in our families, in our communities, and in our world. Come pray with us.
Come and worship God in silence. If you come to visit us, don’t be surprised when everything gets quiet! We take time every week to listen, together, for what the Spirit is saying to us. Stopping everything else to simply wait on God can be difficult – we say that it’s simple, not that it’s easy! – but it’s a spiritual practice that works. Come sit with us as we seek the face of God.
God wants to meet with you. Come and worship with Friends!
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VISIT- We worship Sundays at 10:30 am
- Worship
- Learning
- Service
- Leadership
- Equality
- Are Quakers still around?
- Silence and Quakers
- What are SPICES?
- Quaker activism
- Quaker Distinctives
- What to Expect
- Kids at WFM
- Location and Directions
- Marriage at WFM